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Nadya Zafira
Posts : 23
Join date : 2019-08-06

Inferencing Discussion (Shakira, Merry, Rafi, Mika, Nadya)  Empty Inferencing Discussion (Shakira, Merry, Rafi, Mika, Nadya)

Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:16 pm
Inferencing Discussion
Facilitator: Shakira
Secretary: Nadya
Participants: Merry, Rafi, Shakira, Nadya, Mika.

1a) Merry: She must be feeling scared.
Rafi: She must feel excited.
Shakira: She’s still in kindergarten, she must be excited for her new school and new friends.
Mika: I think she would feel anxious as it’s her first time in school.
Nadya: She must really miss her parents and being at home.

1b) Mika: A ward, or a parental guardian.
Shakira: Her parents.
Rafi: Her parents.
Merry: Her parents.
Nadya: Any adult that’s her guardian.

1c) Shakira, Nadya, Merry: 6 or 7 years old.
Mika: 5 years old because 6 or 7 might be too old.
Rafi: 5 years old.

2a) Shakira: In a tent.
Rafi: In a tent.
Mika: A lodge.
Merry: His house.
Nadya: If it’s an open space, I think a tent would work.

2b) Rafi: Canned food.
Mika: Soup because that’s what I ate when I went camping.
Shakira: Barbecue with a campfire.
Merry: Smores.
Nadya: Instant noodles because it’s easier.

2c) Mika: My best guess is squirrels or a bear.
Merry: Another person.
Rafi: Another person.
Shakira: I’m gonna say it’s another person.
Nadya: Probably a loose bear.

3a) Mika: South Africa but it could be in America.
Rafi: America.
Shakira: In America as well.
Merry: America.
Nadya: Somewhere in Africa.

3b) Mika: 6 or 12 days.
Shakira: A week.
Rafi: 3 days.
Merry: 5 days.
Nadya: 8 more days.

3c) Unanimously: I don’t know!

4a) Mika: The guy played baseball and the ball hit the glass window.
Rafi: Baseball.
Shakira: It’s either a miss throw or when he hit the ball, it shot in a different direction.
Merry: They were playing baseball and the ball accidentally the window.
Nadya: The Wilsons were playing baseball and the ball accidentally struck their window.

4b) Shakira: He hit the ball and the fact that Marcus was already in the third base.
Mika: Large hole, baseball on the floor, surrounded by glass, and third base.
Rafi: The makeshift third base and the baseball.
Merry: His mom got angry at him.
Nadya: The glass surrounding the baseball on the floor, the fact that the Wilson’s backyard is two doors down, and that the culprit (aka Marcus) is still playing.

5a) Shakira: Because he ate the cake.
Rafi: He ate the cake.
Mika: He realized he ate the cake they were supposed to give.
Merry: Because he ate the cake and finished it.
Nadya: I think because he was just full from his snack, and he’s surprised to hear that they’re going for dinner again.

5b) Unanimously: Matt!

5c) Shakira: I guess Monday.
Merry: Thursday.
Nadya: I say Monday.
Rafi and Mika: Monday.

5d) Shakira: Chocolate.
Merry: Strawberry.
Mika: Triple decker (strawberry-blueberry-raspberry) cake.
Nadya: Vanilla cream cake.
Rafi: Chocolate.

6a) Shakira: It’s either she’s sick or she’s crying.
Rafi: She’s sick.
Mika: She’s sick, maybe has the flu or the cough.
Merry: She’s sick.
Nadya: She has the cough.

6b) Merry: Went to the clinic.
Shakira: Went home or to the doctor.
Rafi: She went to the doctor.
Mika: She went home or to the doctor.
Nadya: She went home to take a rest.

6c) Shakira: Because she’s sick and she needs to rest.
Merry: She needs rest because she’s sick.
Rafi: Because she were to go home, she would have stayed at home and not go to school to teach. That’s why she went to the doctor.
Mika: Because she’s in a room full of kids and she doesn’t want to infect the kids.
Nadya: Because she only has the common cold and seeing that she’s only taking cough drops, she opts to stay home instead.

7a) Mika: She’s gonna fall down.
Shakira: She’s gonna trip on the baseball.
RafI: I would say she would fall.
Nadya: She would trip on the baseball.

7b) Mika: It’s indicated in the text itself. Why else would the text state that they had left the baseball on the stairs?
Rafi: It’s indicated in the text. Unless there is more to the text, we could have agreed on something on else.
Shakira: Because she’s a carrying a heavy weight and she can’t see what’s in front of her.
Nadya: Because the way the sentence ends, in addition to the description of her holding the large clothes basket, indicates that something bad is going to happen.

8a) Unanimously: A tornado.

8b) Mika: The house is gonna get lifted up but they’ll survive.
Shakira: The house will stay in tact with the ground.
Rafi: Their roof will go off.
Nadya: They’ll have to wait it out for hours and hours for the tornado and storm to pass.
Merry: I hope he’s fine and he’s safely inside.

9a) Shakira: Astronaut.
Mika: Alien.
Rafi: Astronaut.
Merry: Astronaut.
Nadya: A astronaut who just experienced being in space for the first time.

9b) Merry: I feel like he’s in a spaceship or rocket.
Shakira: Because the person is looking out the window of the spaceship and in space, there’s no gravity.
Rafi: Because that’s only profession on Earth that sends people to space.
Mika: Weightlessness and the act that he’s outside of Earth.
Nadya: The fact that the person’s not used to living without gravity and seeing Earth from space.
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