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Nadya Zafira
Posts : 23
Join date : 2019-08-06

Line of Reasoning - Rayshad, Nadya, Merry, Mika AP2 Empty Line of Reasoning - Rayshad, Nadya, Merry, Mika AP2

Fri Oct 18, 2019 1:58 pm
Line of Reasoning - AP2

Topic of discussion: Line of reasoning in Brian Holdswroth’s video What’s Missing in Modern Art.
Facilitator: Rayshad.
Secretary: Nadya.
Participants: Merry, Mika, Rayshad, Nadya.


a) What is Holdsworth's overarching thesis?  
Rayshad: The thesis is about how modern art is very uninspired and simple. As he stated before, he thinks that art should be challenging.
Merry: The differences between modern art and original art, and what makes modern art so bad.
Mika: Modern art has been destroyed not by modernism itself, but because it doesn’t see any beauty. It has somehow been tainted by modernism itself.
Nadya: I think that the thesis is that the missing ingredient in modern art that makes it so bland is that it lacks a sense of creative inspiration.

b) Reflect: Is Holdsworth's thesis stated, or implied?  Is it one sentence, or uses multiple?  Where does it occur: at the very beginning, or later after something else?
Rayshad: I think that the thesis is also implied because his thesis would not be agreed upon by everyone.
Merry: I think he states his thesis and multiple times, specifically at the beginning of the video.
Mika: I think that it’s implied because he doesn’t overtly state it that “this is what is missing in modern art.” He’s very shy about explaining it, I think, to not cause any controversy.
Nadya: Because I think that he’s an artist, I think that he has some right to state his thesis so explicitly. He states his thesis near the end of the video.

c) What is his line of reasoning?  In as few words as possible, what are the main reasons he gives for his claim?
His points are:

  • Art before and after the 20th century

  • How modernism affects art

  • The importance of human labour and skill in art

  • The modernist view on self-expression

  • Creative inspiration as an ingredient of art.

d) Do you agree or disagree?  Why?  Upload your notes.
Mika: I flat out don’t like modern art because there’s nothing worth saving, in my opinion. He’s trying to like it, I don’t like it.
Rayshad: I agree because modern art is a bit more simple than the old days.
Merry: I disagree because it’s still art. For me, you can’t judge it if it’s modern art or not.
Nadya: I disagree with him because art can be defined in many ways. For Brian, his idea of art is still pretty traditional. Brian should move on with the times, man.

a) What is the thesis of the article?  
We all agree that the thesis statement of this article is “real art and rubbish art is mutually exclusive. Postmodern artists don’t understand this.”

b) Is it stated explicitly?  Is it stated in one sentence?  Where in the article did  you find the thesis?
We all agree that the thesis statement is stated directly, in two sentences, and is located on the very top of the article. c) What is the author's line of reasoning?  

State as succinctly as you can the main arguments supporting the thesis.
Modern art installations are being mistaken for real trash and are thrown away. (Nadya)
Modern art alienates people from the artistic experience and value experimentation as the end itself, without meaningful result. (Mika)
Modern art is an uninspired piece of work. (Rayshad)
Modern art is not unique and found it not interesting. (Merry)

d) Agree or disagree?  Why?  Upload your notes.
Rayshad: I agree because from this article it shows is too simplistic and not inspiring.
Mika: I agree because in some of these installations were thrown away because they look like trash, they act like trash, and they are trash. Nobody cared when these installations were thrown away.
Merry: I disagree because art is art, you can’t judge it. People have their opinions towards art.
Nadya: I disagree because art is supposed to go with the times and the postmodern movement makes art as diversified as it today. The existence of modern art doesn’t invalidate all the art that comes before it.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Line of Reasoning - Rayshad, Nadya, Merry, Mika AP2 Empty Re: Line of Reasoning - Rayshad, Nadya, Merry, Mika AP2

Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:03 pm

Just mind the formatting if you paste work from Word into the phpBB as there's a section with code and huge spaces in the middle.
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