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Line of Reasoning - Kayla, Syakira, Derrel, Nino Empty Line of Reasoning - Kayla, Syakira, Derrel, Nino

Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:04 pm
Facilitator: Kayla
Secretary: Syakira
Participants: Nino, Derrel

1. Form small groups, ~4.  Choose a facilitator to guide you through discussion and a secretary to take notes.  Watch Brian Holdsworth on What's Missing in Modern Art.  

a) What is Holdsworth's overarching thesis?  
Derrel: When art doesn’t inspire people.
Nino: Modern art is subjective, it is only appreciated by those who can relate to it.
Kayla: Moern art lacks the ability to inspire use.
Syakira: Modern art does not inspire us as much as “good” art.

b) Reflect: Is Holdsworth's thesis stated, or implied?  Is it one sentence, or uses multiple?  Where does it occur: at the very beginning, or later after something else?
All: it was stated in multiple sentences, towards the end.

c) What is his line of reasoning?  In as few words as possible, what are the main reasons he gives for his claim?

  • Lack of creativity
  • Lack of self-creation
  • Lacks of relatablility 

Modern art is not as special as good art, because a lot of people can do it. 

d) Do you agree or disagree?  Why?  Upload your notes.
Kayla: Disagree. It does not matter how difficult it is to make the art, but it depends on what it means to you.
Derrel: Agree, because good art (from Da Vinchi, Picasso, etc) cannot be compared with just “regular” art.
Nino: Disagree. Because every single art that was handcrafted has their own classifications. So, I agree with Derrel, but it is still subjective and we cannot restrict art.
Syakira: Disagree, because every pieces of art has its own meaning, as art is a form of expression, where everybody has their own opinion about it.

2.  Chose one of the articles from below and look it over. 

[list="list-style-type: lower-alpha"]
[*]What is the thesis of the article?  
Kayla: Not all modern art is rubbish.
Derrel: I agree with Kayla’s statement.
Nino: I also agree with her.
Syakira: Not all modern art is rubbish.

b) Is it stated explicitly?  Is it stated in one sentence?  Where in the article did  you find the thesis?
Kayla: Its stated explicitly at the end of the article.
Syakira: Writer stated the thesis statement at the end of the article, when he said that not all modern art is rubbish or bad.
Derrel: It is stated in the last sentence.

c) What is the author's line of reasoning?  State as succinctly as you can the main arguments supporting the thesis.
Kayla: Modern art is distinctive in a way where it express itself, even tough you cant see it, doesn’t mean it is rubbish.
Derrel: They said that some modern art piece are mad accidently by a literal trash, so he said that modern art is not good.
Syakira: Just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean that the modern art is bad.

d) Agree or disagree?  Why?  Upload your notes.
Kayla: Agree, because is art subjective. So, sometimes it can be rubbish or good.
Derrel: Agree, because modern art is waste of money, even tough its subjective, there is a difference in skills to make good and modern art.

Syakira: I agree, because art is everyone’s own way to express themselves, so it is subjective.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Line of Reasoning - Kayla, Syakira, Derrel, Nino Empty Re: Line of Reasoning - Kayla, Syakira, Derrel, Nino

Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:10 pm
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