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Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Line of reasoning Empty Line of reasoning

Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:23 pm
Line of reasoning

Line of reasoning 14077710

1. Form small groups, ~4.  Choose a facilitator to guide you through discussion and a secretary to take notes.  Watch Brian Holdsworth on What's Missing in Modern Art.  

a) What is Holdsworth's overarching thesis?  

b) Reflect: Is Holdsworth's thesis stated, or implied?  Is it one sentence, or uses multiple?  Where does it occur: at the very beginning, or later after something else?

c) What is his line of reasoning?  In as few words as possible, what are the main reasons he gives for his claim?

d) Do you agree or disagree?  Why?  Upload your notes.

2.  Chose one of the articles from below and look it over.

a) What is the thesis of the article?  

b) Is it stated explicitly?  Is it stated in one sentence?  Where in the article did  you find the thesis?

c) What is the author's line of reasoning?  State as succinctly as you can the main arguments supporting the thesis.

d) Agree or disagree?  Why?  Upload your notes.

Bledsoe, Richard.  "8 Times Trashy Postmodern Art Got Thrown into the Garbage."  The Remodern Review.  27 Aug. 2019, https://remodernreview.wordpress.com/2019/08/27/8-times-trashy-postmodern-art-got-thrown-into-the-garbage/ .

Lack, Jessica.  "Modern art is rubbish." The Guardian.  13 Jun. 2008, https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/artblog/2008/jun/13/modernartisrubbish .

R, Anita. “Modern Art Or Trash?” Youngzine. 23 Nov. 2015, https://youngzine.org/news/societyarts/modern-art-or-trash .
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