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Line of Reasoning - Juna, Sammy, Zahra, Ataya Empty Line of Reasoning - Juna, Sammy, Zahra, Ataya

Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:59 am
1. Brian Holdsworth on "Why is Modern Art so Bad?"
a. Brian says Art should inspire people, which is the main point of his topic.
b. We both agree on Stated & Implied, cause 2 things occurred at the same time during his thesis
c. Line of reasoning: Examples from medieval and compares old art to modern art
d. We all agree on Brian's statement about art that it should inspire people.

2. Article Analysis [Link]
a).The art created by the people that isn't artistic or interesting

b) Found in this paragraph of the article:
"Perhaps no field displays Postmodern excesses and absurdity more that the arts. Modern art had already introduced alienation and fragmentation into the artistic experience. Art, the communal expression of beauty and order, had been undermined by reckless ideologues. They valued experimentation as an end in itself, and lost sight of being able to produce meaningful results. Above all else, art is a form of communication. Modernist partisans, fixated on art’s technical properties, often ended up irrelevant and incoherent."

c. This paragraph has one:
"When Postmodernism began to rise in the 1960s, it shifted artistic emphasis towards relativism, political proselytizing, and nihilism. Postmodernism is a clumsy power grab. It works on the doubtful premise “whatever the art scene asserts is art, is art.” We are all expected to bow before their insider status and so-called expertise."

The part when they said "whatever the art scene is asserts is art is art" defines one idea by the word itself. Like there's not much to the definition that could be added to the word itself, it also represents the art created by different people in the article of how their art is uninteresting with no big effort put into the work. However, it opposes the idea that the art they created has a meaning to it. To them the style and creation matters, but so does the meaning to.

d. We all both agreed and disagree. Agreeing on art that some may not be as valuable as it seems, while we disagree that some
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Line of Reasoning - Juna, Sammy, Zahra, Ataya Empty Re: Line of Reasoning - Juna, Sammy, Zahra, Ataya

Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:48 am
Okay, sure. Interesting formatting.
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