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ashana zahra
Posts : 11
Join date : 2019-09-22

Methods of Development- Ashana Zahra AP2 Empty Methods of Development- Ashana Zahra AP2

Thu Sep 26, 2019 7:39 pm
Thesis Statement: The act of web-filtering on school grounds limits access for students to gain more resources and valuable information regarding vital topics in class.

Pieces of Evidence Chosen:
1. Source A Everyday Health (General arguments)
2. Source B Computerworld (Teacher experience)
3. Source C The Atlantic (Student experience)

Short Essay:

Being able to have access to more information due to the broad resources the Internet provides, has become a necesity that students need in this era. Getting different points of information from multiple resources with speed and accuracy. We get work done easier and have more forms of information to digest other than a few couple books might provide. Searching information online is less costly, and much more effective for students nowadays. The lates information being published everyday, helps us gain more resources to rely on, and to study on. However, with the application of web-filters in school, students cannot gain as much infomration as they should be getting. The time of looking through textbooks are over, and more modern approaches of studying are rising. Their assignments and tasks mostly depend on web-surfing and finding out more detailed information. Limiting or demolishing that access and opportunity, would mean to limit resources for these students to learn. Most topics discussed in school these days are real-world oriented, therefore students need to able to know what specific things are, and how they work.

Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Methods of Development- Ashana Zahra AP2 Empty Re: Methods of Development- Ashana Zahra AP2

Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:13 am

Use some sort of organizational feature so it's obvious to the marker what three pieces of evidence you've used such as text markers: "firstly", "secondly", etc, or cites, i.e., (Source C).

What do you think is the best method of development for presenting your thesis?
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