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Methods of development & sources  Empty Methods of development & sources

Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:55 pm
Methods of development & sources 
Are the web filters at your school too restrictive? “ 
By: Merry Indah S 
Adv: 12 F 

As you all know, Highscope Indonesia Is an international school that provides free wifi for the students. Let’s talk about what is Wifi? According to google wifi is a facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the internet. And the wifi is very popular for both students, teachers and adults. Especially in school or college. Or in my school most of our work is internet based.  But sadly, some applications cannot be opened because of security operations. Videos on youtube some are banned from the school wifi because it’s not related with education in school. They think with web filters it will help the student focus on school, rather than web browsing. Most students in our school thinks that, it’s ridiculous, stupid and absurb to have these kind of filters. The web filters block us to use wattpad, instagram, some youtube videos and facebook. 
In our school, Us students have different kinds of courses for example History, Health and so on. When i was on Biology class, i was searching about birth control and i got a warning from the web filter and i can’t search about my topic. Not only that, my friend was getting these kind of problem as well. She was searching about History of games for a report that was due date that day, and it was bothered because of web filters. It was making the load very long. Personally I think it’s pointless to have web filters because it bothers us students doing our work in school. Especially some students don’t have wifi in their house. For me the solution for the people who have this kind of problem as in web filter problem in your school, is to use a VPN. VPN provides you to block web filters. 
Website Supporting My Debate: 

Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Methods of development & sources  Empty Re: Methods of development & sources

Fri Sep 27, 2019 2:52 pm
A good strategy is to put your thesis statement right at the start, this way its very easy for the marker to find it. Same goes for the three pieces of evidence, use text markers like "first", "second", and so on, or cite the source like: (Source B), that way it's easy to see the use of evidence.

Which method of development is best for presenting your thesis would you say?
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