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ashana zahra
Posts : 11
Join date : 2019-09-22

Thesis- Ashana  Empty Thesis- Ashana

Thu Sep 26, 2019 6:53 pm
1. Title: Javanese People are Descendants of Egyptian Magicians
-Thesis: Javanese people being descendants of magicians from egypt.
-Claim: Javanese spiritual anf other-worldy origins, were from egyptian culture.
-Evidence/reasoning: Travelling Egyptians once settled down in Indonesia (Javanese Islands) from their travels and search for The Land of Punt. While settling down, they interbreed with the Javanese, and spread their magical abilities to their offspring and generations after that.
-Comment: I personally was really intrigued with this topic. Probably due to the fact that i have never heard of this theory before. The evidence she corresponds with her thesis is very solid and believable.

2. Title: Budi Budiman, The Indonesian Man That can Communicate with Satan Himself
-Thesis: Satan does really exist.
-Claim: Satan exists, because he communicates with people.
-Evidence: Budi Budiman claims to have talked to Satan himself, very frequently. In fact, Satan visits him in his dreams every single night and have conversations with him. Of which, he cannot reveal due to the threat Satan gave to him, if he reveals to othe people about their conversations.
-Comment: I personally never really thought or cared for ghosts and the idea of Satan. However this thesis made me really interested in the topic at hand. The evidence was very well put together.

3.Title: Wormholes: How Einstein Unlocked the Doors to Heaven by Nadya Zafira
Thesis: Wormholes are gateways or portals to heaven.
Claim: Einsteins discovery can lead to multiple theories and possibilities that other worlds do exist, and that we can access them.
Evidence: Wornholes are connects two regions of spacetime, regardless of distance. Moving up or down the gravitational well of one side of the wormhole transports you to another universe. She also put in evidence from the Bible saying: Mark 1:10, it is stated that “And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him.”
-Comment: This thesis was very well put together, and had a very good amount of evidence to support each claim.

Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Thesis- Ashana  Empty Re: Thesis- Ashana

Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:12 am
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