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derrel archellian
Posts : 19
Join date : 2019-08-06

Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs  - Writing (Derrel 12i) Empty Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing (Derrel 12i)

Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:06 pm
Derrel 12i
AP English 2    

Budi Budiman, The Indonesian Man That can Communicate with Satan Himself

    Satan is notorious for his evil deeds and desire to impend doom on people with strong and unwavering faith. His horrid and sinister actions have been described with detail in the holy bible, with the name Satan now being synonymous with wickedness and evil. Not a lot of people believe in Satan, but their beliefs may just be challenged by Budi.

    Meet Budi Budiman, a 20-year-old from West Papua, Indonesia claims that he has frequent meetings with the devil himself. The 20-year-old declared that he once dreamt about speaking to Satan, and he never stopped “meeting him” ever since. “I saw what looked like Satan during a dream one night, ever since then he just kept coming, and coming,” proclaimed Budi.

    He describes his encounters with Satan as if two strangers are forced to talk to one another. “We often talk about many such as god, religion, and life. Although he looks threatening most of the time, it is intriguing to have a chat with him,” proclaimed Budi. Knowing his ability to speak to Satan, we repeatedly ask Budi to ask for his motives, yet to no avail, Budi refuses to answer. “Satan specifically told me to not reveal anything about our conversations, or else he will take everything that is dear to me.”

    With Budi now speaking up, there is no denying that Satan exist in our world. However, with the heavy restrictions given to Budi by Satan, we can’t help but wonder whether we should know more about the devil himself.

The Audience

    The audience that this article is based is a highly gullible and religious audience. This means that said audience will care about new developments regarding Satan, an “enemy” to Christianity or any other form of religion. I base my article on Budi as the main source of information, despite him not having any proof of being credible. This method of basing the argument on untrusted sources can also be found in the devil language article. Therefore, by providing an evidence no matter how credible it is, my audience would immediately believe on what is being written. This will also catch the eye of my audience due to it being about revealing the truth of Satan, therefore satisfying my audience need of religious themes in their preferred article.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs  - Writing (Derrel 12i) Empty Re: Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing (Derrel 12i)

Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:02 pm
Yes, solid analysis.

(By the way, I'm not sure your advisory will have much significance to our year, just as well to call your class AP2 instead of 12I since it will be easier for me to track that way.)
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