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Join date : 2019-08-06

Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing (Rully) Empty Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing (Rully)

Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:08 am
Is Armageddon Coming Soon?


Armageddon is an event that would lead to the end of the world. Many religions have this event written down in their religious book. Islam is one of the religion that believes in Armageddon. In their eyes, Armageddon is when god judge everyone that has ever lived to decide if they go to heaven or hell. They will then be transported to the next plane and the whole mortal universe is destroyed. It gets even crazier. According to the Quran, Armageddon might happen soon.
In the Quran, while it doesn’t exactly tell us when Armageddon is going to happen, it tells us the signs that indicates it getting closer. These signs while not all have happened, the number of events that haven’t happened keep on decreasing. Few of the example of this sign are women looks like men and men looks like women, same-sex relationship everywhere, and rain that can burn. All of these signs has already happen. There are a lot more transgender than before. We can see this from UK GID Referrals’ data. The number of transgender operation in 2017 is almost ten times more than it was in 2012. Same-sex marriage also has a similar increase in growth, and is even legalized in some countries!! Because of the many technologies that releases sulfur and nitrogen, rain sometimes becomes acidic, which burns our skin. These signs in the Quran keeps on being realized rapidly. It might be 10 years, 50 years, or 100 more years, but soon, Armageddon is going to happen.

The audience of this article is people who are muslims. While it’s not the same audience with the RH negative article, it’s similar in the sense that both targets people that are gullible to their writing, even if it only has small evidence, since it uses something related to them, be it something they truly believe in or empathic towards. For the RH negative article, it’s believable to people with the same blood type who feels out of place. They can empathize with the writing. Because of that, the writing would be able to convince them, even if it’s only small evidences. This article is the same, since it targets muslims and their beliefs towards the religion, and uses small evidences to convince people of the topic (Armageddon).
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing (Rully) Empty Re: Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing (Rully)

Tue Sep 10, 2019 3:11 pm
Well crafted article and analysis.  You can catch some of your minor grammar issues by pasting your writing into an online grammar checker, for example Muslim has a capital M.

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