English 12
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Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Introduction & Conclusion Empty Introduction & Conclusion

Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:14 am
Introduction & Conclusion

Introduction & Conclusion Sandwi10

Introductions and conclusions in academic essays demand a lot of your energy as a writer. A good introduction should engage the reader, provide essential context, and indicate your focus.  A strong conclusion will provide a sense of closure to the essay, it will also, in some instances, add a stimulus to action.

Task A

0. Form pairs.  

1. Watch Morley Safer's Yes... But is it Art?.  Can you identify an introduction?  Is there a conclusion?  At what point do they begin and end?  How do you know?  Do not divide up the tasks, work through them in your team.  Upload your notes.

2. Prepare an attractively formatted PPT about what an introduction and conclusion are and what makes a good or a bad one.

3. Present your work to the class, (time permitting).

Task B

1. The article below by John Robson appeared in the op-ed section of The National Post.  The introduction and conclusion have been deleted.  Based on what you've learned about essay introduction and conclusion, write an appropriate introduction and conclusion for this essay.  Post to the phpBB.


Task C

1. Choose two of the sets of introduction and conclusions to John Robson's article written by your classmates.  Read the introductions and conclusions and complete the template (twice) below to evaluate.  Be sure to include the links to the introductions and conclusions you read.



Engages the readers interest? Y/N  How?
Gives context, sets the scene, frames the rhetorical situation? Y/N  How?
Presents a problem or exegesis? Y/N  How?
Has a strong thesis statement? Y/N  How?
Supplies the line of reasoning of the article? Y/N  How?
Defines key terms? Y/N  How?
Is appropriate to the likely audience? Y/N  How?
Is it proofread and grammatically accurate? Y/N  How?


Restates the thesis? Y/N  How?
Sums up the arguments? Y/N  How?
Supplies a sense of completeness? Y/N  How?
Suggests solutions, makes a recommendation, or has a call to action? Y/N  How?
Is it proofread and grammatically accurate? Y/N  How?


Task D

1. In light of any realizations you've made  after completing the evaluation template, or feed-back you have received, revise your own introduction and conclusion you've written to John Robson's article.
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