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Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:10 pm
What does the poem means to me
Zeta Lubna Aqila 12 D
This poem really means so much to me since I can truly relate to the writer. The writer make this poem for her husband and she wants to show him about her love and feeling. So what can I relate? Now it has been 1 and half month having someone who truly care and love me, having someone else that I know I can rely on him and feeling safe around him.
When I see the poem, I could understand that she really love her husband. I feel the same way for someone I love. Loving someone, he is beside me right now, writing what he thought about the poem as well, but he don’t know that I choose and relate so much because of his existance in my life.
This might be too cringey but for now my love for him is endlessness. I just hope that I could love him more and more just like how Elizabeth Barret Browning love his husband. I may be not the best in making a poem but hopefully just by the “little things” I do, it would make him realize and think “she do love me a lot.” I don’t know the future but if I ends up marrying him, I will love him even more and more and will do my best to make him happy.
So I think that is why I pick this poem “How Do I Love Thee” because I know that her feeling is truly for her husband and I feel the same way to the person I love.

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