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What if Mermaids exist? [Part 2 of Atlantis Analysis] - Juna (12 F) [AP 1] Empty What if Mermaids exist? [Part 2 of Atlantis Analysis] - Juna (12 F) [AP 1]

Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:44 am
We may know there are things that existed in the real world, but some we may know are fiction. Atlantis is one of the settings that is considered to be fiction or a myth; the same goes for the citizens who lived there. 2/3 of the sea remains undiscovered, which is why we don't know whether Atlantis existed or not, and where its location could be. The same goes for other beings that have lived in Atlantis under the sea, including Mermaids. They are both located in the region of the sea, so that means that they might have a connection that unites them together

Previously, I've written about how Atlantean DNA could spread across the world and about how people who lived with it are descended from the Gods of Atlantis. If they existed, then so does Atlantis and other mythologies including mermaids.

Connecting Mermaids with Atlantis
From recent articles that I've researched, there are some believed to say that Mermaids originated in Lemuria, and then relocated to Atlantis after their Motherland was being destroyed and now called the "Lost Land". When they relocate to Atlantis, apparently one of the Sirens almost got their Lemurian DNA mutated that then leads to the Fall of Atlantis. Some Mermaids (and mermen) made it out alive, some of them fall with the kingdom.

What about their DNA?
It is rumoured that Atlanteans originally descendant from Alien DNA. Knowing that a civilisation was being destroyed, they had no choice but to rebuild them using their DNA and there Atlanteans are born and so as Atlantis themselves. Same goes for Mermaids where they're originally created by gods, but some also mentioned that a wizard connects them by mixing with other DNA's, and there a beautiful creature is born.

Brief Statement
Overall from what I've written here, I feel like there is a connection of us and the mythological creatures that live beneath us, and that there is still hope of knowing that these things to actually existed. If people are descendant from Atlantean gods, then Atlantis exist. If mermaids have once lived and travelled to Atlantis before, then yes they have existed and has become a part of their family. What I'm trying to state here is that Mythology exists for a reason, and sometimes they never show their selves in public for a reason. The sea exist, but what has never been discovered is what lives underneath it. What me and the audience would relate to this topic of the article is that there's still a chance of possibility that we can see these beings exist in the real world, and our mind would say that it's a dream come true if we actually ever get to see them in the real world than just in our world of imaginations.

Some Sources:
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
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Join date : 2019-08-01

What if Mermaids exist? [Part 2 of Atlantis Analysis] - Juna (12 F) [AP 1] Empty Re: What if Mermaids exist? [Part 2 of Atlantis Analysis] - Juna (12 F) [AP 1]

Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:08 pm
It seems to me your grammar is radically improved in this piece of writing as compared to the previous; I expect this is because you're writing naturally. It's easy to understand and clear.

It wouldn't hurt to fill in a bit more info about the sort of audience you've targeted...
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