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Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-08-06

Audience: Beliefs, values, and needs - Alma Empty Audience: Beliefs, values, and needs - Alma

Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:41 pm
RH Negative Blood Type Indicates Ancestry from Atlantis - Alma

2. Write a brief summary of the argument; consider thesis, evidence, justifications. ~50 words.
Every human has different blood types and these blood types has either an RH positive or an RH negative type. The positive or negative type indicates how much antigen you have in your body. 85% percent of the population has the positive type and the rest doesn't. The ones who doesn't have the antigen, are believed to have a different unknown ancestor because their blood type can never be traced back to find its origin.

3. Evaluate the strengths or weaknesses of at least one of the claims in the article. 25 - 50 words.
The writer's claim is supported with an actual research. It is stated that scientifically, we would all share the same blood as our ancestors because the blood evolves the same way. Therefore, if we all had the same ancestor, we would also have the same blood. What's unique is that RH negative types cannot be traced back to identify their ancestors. Another thing is that mothers who have babies that inherit an RH negative and RH positive, can choose to abort them because the baby could never have an offspring. See it like this, in mutation, a liger can never be mated to another liger to create a liger offspring. Same goes as the person who has an RH negative and RH positive type. The RH negative reacts badly to the RH positive type as if it is an unknown substance. But again, why would the mother reject her own baby like this?

4. Evaluate the beliefs, values, and needs of the likely audience of your article. 100 - 150 words. You may use the reflection questions below to aid your assessment.
I feel like this article can be very much convincing to people around my age, especially to the ones who are really inquisitive towards conspiracy theories and science. The explanation it has behind the theory totally makes sense to us, moreover with the analogy of the mix breeding of genetically different species. The writer also uses convenient words that are easy to understand to the readers, so it doesn't seem like a heavy topic to read over your free time. Even so, I think this article wouldn't fit older readers because some of them still tend to believe something more if it's stated in their religion (from the holy book) rather than a "mere" speculation from an unknown theorist.

Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: Beliefs, values, and needs - Alma Empty Re: Audience: Beliefs, values, and needs - Alma

Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:20 pm
Content solid.

I'd suggest putting a space between the prompt and the answer, or using a different font size or color of text to make the document a little easier to read.
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