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Join date : 2019-08-06

Audience: Belief, Values, and Needs (Keisha 12F) Empty Audience: Belief, Values, and Needs (Keisha 12F)

Mon Sep 02, 2019 2:07 pm
Keisha Samira 12F

Summary of the article
HLA, family of genes, as known as the human leucocyte antigen can prove that mating with Nephilims, the children of Fallen Angels or their children the Elouid, showed a 4% change in the modern human genome. According to this article, the text theorizes that humans carry the DNA of the Fallen Angels. Researchers have also looked into ancient humans who left Africa and started breeding with the Nephilim, along with geneticists who have identified the foreign DNA that has been found in three groups of modern Africans.

Strength and weakness of their claim
The strengths of this article could be seen when the author gave the reader a text which is the claim that is able to support the main argument, but the author did not cite this with evidence. Another claim could also be seen when the author wrote “The find offers more evidence that for thousands of years, modern-looking humans shared the earth with Nephilim and their children the Elouid” by making this statement without providing any evidence, some readers may think that this article is weak. However, the only evidence that the author provided was “researchers”. The author wasn’t specific who the researcher was, but the author provided a following claim that was followed after which is “researchers say ancient humans left Africa and started breeding with Nephilim in Europe.

Beliefs, Values and needs
The main audience of this article is for people who seem to believe in conspiracy stories. This article provides an information where the author is trying to convince the readers to believe with the claim that the author provided which is how humans interbred with Nephilims in Europe and how humans carry the DNA of the Fallen Angels. However, I personally think that this article is focused on religious people, for example religious christians. Not all people would personally believe this conspiracy theory because there are people who think that this theory is false because there is not enough evidence that would make them believe in this theory.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: Belief, Values, and Needs (Keisha 12F) Empty Re: Audience: Belief, Values, and Needs (Keisha 12F)

Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:10 pm
Solidly done. If you paste your writing into Microsoft Office Word you can catch a few of your typos like "christian" is spelt with a capital C.
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