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Test prep: Rhetorical choices - Raihan Seno Athallah Empty Test prep: Rhetorical choices - Raihan Seno Athallah

Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:57 am

1. Description:
1. Within the video it describes and explains why modern art isn’t good, giving out statements and criteria of how a real artwork should be like.
2. Definition:
1. modern art is nothing more than a reduction to individual self-expression, and universal standards have been removed as the primary consideration of artistic merit.
3. Compare and Contrast:
1. He compare between three things which are profound, inspiring, or wither they are beautiful.

2. “The merit of art is perceived through the reaction of the individual”

Within the article created by Jack Wiliiams, he strongly appose towards the the video created by Robert Florczak. To show his perception towards the video he proves that by using reasonings on the art that Robert showed within the video, and explains the context and meanings towards those examples.

The first reasoning he gave out was about the university. He showed the trustability of the University itself, claiming that Prager University is not an accredited university as the university doesn’t have a campus or an administration. The second reasoning is that within the video it’s said that art uses three depicters which are profound, inspiring, and beautiful, and within the article Jack Williams argues that those three are somewhat subjective, as he said “You might not find Bamboo Yard, Kyobashi Bridge to be any of the three, but someone else might.” It all depends on the individual itself. Third reasoning is that everything has it’s own story, we could see that when Jack Williams argue that the “Rock” wasn’t just for show and that the artist itself was looking the right subject for many years, “Mike had been looking for a particular boulder, though he didn’t know which one, for 30 to 40 years. This gives an impression of nature as the artist, and all it took was finding the right piece for the job.” The next reasoning is that beauty doesn’t necessarily meant the piece itself but rather the story. He brought this up when the Koko the gorilla that could sign language painted at first glance people might not be attracted towards the art work but after finding out the story behind the painting they’ve become intrigued. “I’d be willing to bet that some of you looked at the painting at first and didn’t find it beautiful. But you may have found beauty in the context, which is inseparable from the work itself.”
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
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Join date : 2019-08-01

Test prep: Rhetorical choices - Raihan Seno Athallah Empty Re: Test prep: Rhetorical choices - Raihan Seno Athallah

Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:15 am
Use some way to indicate what is a piece of evidence or cite from the article, since AP essays ask for 3 or 4, it makes it hard for the assessor to be sure how many are there if there isn't an author's name in brackets, a page number, or something to make it clear a source is being used.
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