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Connotative & Denotative - Juna (12 F) Empty Connotative & Denotative - Juna (12 F)

Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:30 am
1. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the neutral word, using one with a positive and one with a negative connotation: [25%]

a) The house was on the hill.

Positive: The big house is way beyond that hill!

Negative: This ugly house is located at that stupid hill

b) Billy went to a foreign country.

Positive: Billy flew over to a beautiful country.

Negative: Billy went across to a disgusting and ugly country

c)  The class started at 7 AM, John was delayed.

Positive: The class starts at 7 in the morning, but unfortunately John is late

Negative: John is late and he missed the 7AM Classs

d) The new girl in school was chubby.

Positive: That new girl is cute

Negative: The new girl is fat & ugly

e) His ways of thinking are unique.

Positive: His ways of thinking is very interesting, thoughtful, and logical

Negative: The way he thinks is weird and unrealistic

f) The girl's face showed a smile.

Positive: The girl shows a very pretty smile

Negative: The girl's shows her ugly smile

g) Billy killed the old dog.

Positive: Billy sadly killed the dog

Negative: Billy pathetically killed that old dog

h) The meal was served at 6:30 PM sharp.

Positive: Thank god the meal came in exactly at 6:30 PM, it was delicious and the meal choices are great.

Negative: The meal showed up later than 6:30 PM and it's garbage!

i) The handsome boy looked at the young girl.

Positive: The handsome boy gazed at that young beautiful girl.

Negative: This boy is starring at this girl.

j) The small woman was able to fit into the secret passage.

Positive: The woman thankfully fits in the secret passage despite her small size.

Negative: The woman unfortunately was too small to fit in that secret passage

k) I bought the inexpensive one.

Positive: I bought it for a good price.

Negative: I bought the cheapest one.

l) They all laughed at me.

Positive: They all laughed as they're entertained by my jokes.

Negative: They all laughed at me because of who I am.

m) I can hear the sound of the neighbour's music.

Positive: I can hear that wonderful music from my neighbour next door, good choice over there.

Negative: The neighbour next door is playing the music too loud.

n) The Smith's house was clean.

Positive: The Smith's house is very clean.

Negative: The Smith's house is very dirty and ugly

o) The temperature is cold today.

Positive: The lovely temperature out there is cold but warming.

Negative: The temperature out there is freezing.

p) The boy held the rabbit firmly.

Positive: The boy adapted the whole cute family of the rabbit.

Negative: The boy didn't adapt that rabbit

2. Rewrite the following descriptive paragraphs by adding adjectives or changing out words for ones with richer connotations.  Make one version in which the tone is warm and joyous; and in the other paragraph, the tone is sinister and ghoulish.

Connotative & Denotative - Juna (12 F) House_10

A small house stands in a forested valley.  Two men hold axes.  Smoke is rising from the chimney of the house.  There is a smell coming from the house.  A few clouds hang in the sky and birds circle in the sky above the house.  A girl comes out of the small house.

Paragraph A:

Two men with an axe discovered a small house in wonderful forested valley. There are smokes coming out from the chimney, but that smoke was a wonderful smell. Meanwhile, a beautiful young girl came out from the house and brought some cookies that she has baked.

Paragraph B:  

The smoke came from that house at the forested valley as it starts to cloud the whole village. Two angry men came with an axe to see what the problem is. Meanwhile, a wicked girl came out from the house.

3. The thesis of the article linked below is that teen depression is caused by cellphone use.  The more phone related activities a teen is involved with, the more unhappy he or she is; the more real-world activities involving other people a teen participates in, the happier he or she is.  

Use three pieces of evidence from the article to write an argument reversing the thesis: gadgets are associated with teenage happiness.  Use tone and diction to present cellphones as good things.

Connotative & Denotative - Juna (12 F) Extern10


There are two ways to express the modern world with cellphones: happiness and sadness. Now that we lived in a world where technology evolves, and no people can adapt with the real world than relying on their phones. teens (those born after 1995) spend less time with their friends in person and attending religious services, and more time online.. As time flies by, time evolves. There are still things to do in the real world, but now kids prefer doing those things on digital. Let's say gamers, they spend more time playing online games rather than going outside knowing what our world looks like in the real world. There are also people who like tor rely on their phones, to see what new exotic and unique things that are going on in the digital world.

It might be interesting to take a more comprehensive look at teen activities and happiness. As our world evolves, the teenagers evolves too. Teenagers would usually have time doing sports activities and social interactions, while now in the world that still happens but there are people who like to rely their time on technology. They adapt them, and it has been a part of their lives. There are kids who spend time playing video games, there are teenagers who rely on their phones, and whatever expression comes it's always from between the real world and the digital era. Teenagers can still have hobbies, while technology is an item that helps them with their everyday daily life.

Nearly all phone activities are linked to less happiness, and nearly all non-phone activities are linked to more happiness. This is due that there's always something to be discovered in the world than what is on our mobile phone. Cellphones are not a bad thing after all, but it also could be a good thing. With our phones now, it will be easy to stay connected to others, especially with the existence of internet that brings us close to people across the globe. There's always a memory to take with our phones, there's always a time to talk with our phones, there's always a pop with something new that's happening in the digital world, but let's not forget to adapt into our world as we live in the real world today. Do something in the world that could be beneficial, but don't forget to adapt them with our phones.

This might be irrelevant, but I hope I have a good thesis with this statement over here.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Connotative & Denotative - Juna (12 F) Empty Re: Connotative & Denotative - Juna (12 F)

Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:46 am
Last part ingeniously executed, first part, you want to just change the underlined word only, so for example "smile" might change to "grin" which has a positive connotation, and "grimace" which has a very scary and negative one...
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