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Athalla Raspati
Posts : 11
Join date : 2019-08-06

character study, "build a fire" by jack london Empty character study, "build a fire" by jack london

Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:05 pm
Part I: Character versus plot-driven story

1. Explain what plot-driven story and character-driven story are. ~50 words.

The plot of the story is there was a man with a dog, the man wants to mine a camp where all his friends had been. Once he got the mini camp he wants to enjoy a warm campfire and enjoying a piece of delicious bacon. He got trapped in Yukon where the weather is really cold the man saliva becomes ice and his finger got numbed. He with his dog stop for a fire break to radiate the current situation. While he was sitting on the log, he thought that he was a brave man, because never - ever people travel to Yukon alone with a dog. But in the end the man died because of freezing.

2. Compare and contrast plot-driven versus character-driven plot. ~50 words and/or diagram.

The characters are not useless and doing something that helps the plot
The characters push the story forward
Don’t weaken the story to keep your characters “perfect”
Character’s motivation

3. Is Jack London's To Build a Fire a plot-driven or character-driven story? Why? Include at least two quotes from the text. ~200 words. Proofread, format, and upload.
I believe the story is a character-driven story, the reason being is that the story tells a tale about one man and that man is Jack, he walks in the forest and tries to find himself with the help of in nature and being alone in the woods, it's a story about survival and will.

The quote is never give up until its very end, that is we have to reach our goal. It means believing in yourself. It means its willingness to accept failure even though he failed in the end but he is always trying to reach. Also the story the guy is selfish he always trying to force the dog to follow him around, at the end he wants to kill the dog so he could warm himself, so he could warm himself up and light the matches so he able to survive. In the very end the guy died because of freezing to death and after the man died, the dog really happy because the dog are free to go anywhere the dog desire.


Part II: Character study (Individually)

4. Who is the unnamed man in Jack London's To Build a Fire? What kind of person is he? What motivates him? What are his flaws? ~250 words. Proofread, format, and upload.

The unnamed man is the person who is wandering in the cold, walking in the blistering cold and continue to move forward. The kind of person of the unnamed man in the movie is he is hard-headed, continues to move forward with no stops, using everything that he has to make sure he survives. The motivation is he is blinded by his strength and hard-headed, he continues to move forward with no clear goal of why is he doing it. The flaws of the man are he is narcissistic, he has been warned about the dangers and the flaws of walking through the cold night, but with his narcissistic, he came to an end.

Below are a few prompts to aid you in reflecting on character:

Describe the unnamed man. What does he look like? What is he wearing? How old is he? What ethnicity is he? What sort of build does he have?
The unnamed man is a person that we all meet in real life. Arrogant, stubborn and don’t know when to quit, he is a man looking like his age is mid-thirties, his build is a built body since his hobby is traveling and his ethnicity is he will achieve any goal and he will use other people to get that goal.

What is his job?

Where was he born?

What did he eat for breakfast?

What are his interests and hobbies?
Walking in the woods

Does he have any bad habits?
Not listening to other people

Is he religious?

Is he married?

What do you know about his relationships? How does he relate to other characters in the story? (The old man, the dog, the boys... Nature)

The unnamed man forced the dog to follow him, where ever he goes. He, slowly getting killing by mother nature slowly, the dog, the supporting character, but people say that the dog is the main character, always goes and follows his instincts, and the unnamed man died because of Hypothermia.

What does he care about?

What is his greatest strength?
His biggest strength is he is resilient and determined
What is he obsessed with?

Biggest fear?

Biggest secret?
No big secret is mention in the book

What is he most proud of?
Traveling to places

Is he a leader or a follower?

What is his personal motto?
Believe in yourself and thats enough

Does he like himself?

Is he lying to himself about something?
He is, he is lying that he is gonna make it.

What sort of personal conflicts of identity is he experiencing?
Identifying the fact that his life maybe will be taken

If he were a hot dog, would he eat himself? Why or why not?
Yes, because in desperate situations come desprerate measures

How would he describe himself?
Fearless, brave

What is the one word you would use to define him?
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
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Join date : 2019-08-01

character study, "build a fire" by jack london Empty Re: character study, "build a fire" by jack london

Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:08 pm
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