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Mario gozali
Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-08-06

character and plot driven story Empty character and plot driven story

Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:09 am

Part I: Character versus plot driven story (Small groups)

1. Explain what plot-driven story and character-driven story are. ~50 words.

Plot driven story is basically the characters following towards the flow of the story line. So the characters are mostly following on what’s happening and tend to not have that many decision. Although the characters sometimes has the decision but in this case the writer tend to in force the character to just follow through until there are some internal change. A character-driven story is one focused on studying the characters that make up your story .The plot in a character driven story is usually simple and often hyper-focused on the internal or interpersonal struggle of the character. In a character-driven story, the plot is used to develop the character.

2. Compare and contrast plot-driven versus character-driven plot. ~50 words and/or diagram.

They have different way on comparing each other for example one of them use to tell the story by the change in setting and story line while the character just basically enforced by the writer to follow through while character driven story is basically focus on the characters itself and the story focus on him while its use to develop the character throughout the story.

3. Is Jack London's To Build a Fire a plot-driven or character-driven story? Why? Include at least two quotes from the text. ~200 words. Proofread, format, and upload.

In my opinion the short video I watch was a character character driven story. Because the video mostly focuses on the guy on how is the person or the character is trying to survive in the cold winter with only his dog. He took step and he even fell into water that is very cold. He tries desperately to survive by trying to light a fire to keep him warm. Although in the story the fire died and he is in a worst situation. He’s limbs are all frozen from his arm to his leg. And is only accompanied by his dog until he finally so a steam up in the sky and know that there is fire over there.

Part II: Character study (Individually)

4. Who is the unnamed man in Jack London's To Build a Fire? What kind of person is he? What motivates him? What are his flaws? ~250 words. Proofread, format, and upload.

In my opinion hes fighter as the video we can clearly show that he is trying he’s best to survive. Although there are some challenges through out the video of him trying to survive but I think there some point that we can see of what type of person he is. Firstly I was able to identify that he is a family person meaning he rather have accompanied rather than being alone. His dog that is loyal to him proved this. Secondly he also a fighter meaning that he does not give up that easy towards things. We can see that from his harshest condition that he has faced he did not give up and instead try his best to stay alive. He nearly drown in the cold lake. When he got back up and try to make a fire pit. He succeed at first and than fail after wards.i feel like hes stubborn person and that he feels that he can do anything alone and so because of this tries to do his journey alone not knowing the danger. He was only accompanied by his dog and yet he was struggling as was fighting for his life. But at the end he didn’t make it and he died freezing to death. But what I think was mostly important about him is that is motivation to live is really big and that he fight for his survival by making fire and also trying to provide him self with things that he can use to survive.

• Below are a few prompts to aid you in reflecting on character:

Describe the unnamed man. What does he look like? What is he wearing? How old is he? What ethnicity is he? What sort of build does he have?

What is his job?
In my opinion some sort of physical worker such as wood miller,traveler.

Where was he born?
Born somewhere I think in the US because hes face looks foreign and has distintict facial hair

What did he eat for breakfast?
I think he didn’t that much because of his body that is still skinny

What are his interests and hobbies?
travelling, getting finished fast

Does he have any bad habits?
I don’t think so

Is he religious?

Is he married?
No because he prefers to be alone that accompanied

What do you know about his relationships? How does he relate to other characters in the story? (The old man, the dog, the boys... Nature)

What does he care about?
His dog and his life

What is his greatest strength?
will to survive
What is he obsessed with?
Meeting hes friend

Biggest fear?

Biggest secret?
I don’t really know

What is he most proud of?
Hes achievement

Is he a leader or a follower?
Follower because he is more passive

What is his personal motto?
Finishing things fast

Does he like himself?
Not really

Is he lying to himself about something?
Yes he believes he can

What sort of personal conflicts of identity is he experiencing?

If he were a hot dog, would he eat himself? Why or why not?
Probabaly yes in his condition

How would he describe himself?

What is the one word you would use to define him?
Hard headed

Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

character and plot driven story Empty Re: character and plot driven story

Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:26 pm
Okay. Looks like you've wrestled with the story to some extent.
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