English 12
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Raul Julio Parera
Posts : 15
Join date : 2019-08-06

Hitler found in Indonesia Empty Hitler found in Indonesia

Fri Sep 06, 2019 8:32 am
Adolf Hitler Found in Indonesia?

Raul Julio Parera
Grade 12
AP English

1. Write a brief article on the topic you've chosen.

After the fall of Nazi Germany which cause the end of the World War II, it was said that after the last battle, the leader of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler committed suicide on his headquarter in Berlin. Not long after that conspiracy started to spread that Hilter’s body was missing on his bunker. Indonesian Airline Manager and the Indonesian government has found proof of papers that Hitler has legally turned it to an Indonesian Citizen from help from an inside man that he was found in Indonesia. It was said that he was the one who requested to be an Indonesian citizen, a short while after it was granted lived on Sumbawa, converted to Islam and got married to a Sundanese woman. His Muslim name was Abdul Kohar. One day he allegedly told his Indonesian wife that he was Hitler. One way to prove he was Hitler was he managed to meet Konrad Adenauer when he was in Bali, Indonesia and spoke with him because Adenauer knew Hitler. This incident was made to a book from an Indonesian writer named Ir. Soetryo Goetri with a book titled “HITLER MATI DI INDONESIA” supported by proof of pictures, documents, and others. It is shown that Adolf Hitler was tired of war and wanted to have a normal life, he spends time with his wife and goes visit Bali, Lombok and Raja Ampat mostly spend his days on vacation while having an unknown banking transferring him money. He then died and subsequently was buried in Surabaya on January 15, 1970.

2. Draft about targeted audience

The target of this article is for people who love conspiracy theories, most people who like another alternative story on how does a story goes. Mostly people like teenagers that are surfing the internet would read these kinds of articles as a teenager is the main audience. People who would like to make a fiction book could also get ideas from this article because there are a lot of holes ideas that they can fill in within this story.

Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Hitler found in Indonesia Empty Re: Hitler found in Indonesia

Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:46 pm
Task fulfilled.

To assist with the grammar, a few things you can do are read over your document carefully before submitting, ask a friend to proof-read it, or past it into an online grammar checker.
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