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Join date : 2019-08-06

Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs  - Writing || Raihan Seno Athallah Empty Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing || Raihan Seno Athallah

Thu Sep 05, 2019 2:15 pm
Raihan Seno A.

AP 2 English

Bigfoot: The missing link in our ancestry

1. When Darwin formalized the idea behind Theory of Evolution many had believed it to be true, as time progressed many has said that the theory was false and chose to believe that our ancestry didn’t came from a small primate due to their being so many plot-holes in the theory. In today’s world scientist such as biologist has become fascinated in primates, in which they finally researched on Bigfoot.

There has been many sightings on the mythical creature called the Bigfoot, it has often been called as the half man, half ape. Biologist believes that Bigfoot could be the missing link in the human evolution, which lead researchers to the forest where many had claimed they sighted the creature. In the high mountains pieces of hair were found lying in the forest, many believed the pieces of hair belonged to a large mammal but it was yet to be unidentified, after many researched was conducted by scientist it was finally identified that the hair is linked to the mythical Bigfoot. Many scientist have been on the trail for decades after finding the hair piece, and now many are convinced that they have collected numerous of information to make the hunt much easier. Now it’s only a matter of time before we find the missing link in our evolution.

2. The audience that the writer was trying to obtain was those who believed in mythical creatures and those who believe in folklores. The Writer wanted to extract the audience curiosity based on word of mouth they heard within the internet and people from their surrounding. After finding out the audience the writer tend to use persuasive writing based on the the data he had acquired from the internet. He started with a fact that was abolished through the years and backed that claimed with a theory that would help relate to the initial issue.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs  - Writing || Raihan Seno Athallah Empty Re: Audience: Beliefs, values, & needs - Writing || Raihan Seno Athallah

Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:06 pm
Looks good. Since you are the author of the article it seems a bit strange to call yourself "he" in the second part of the task. Either way though, solid analysis.
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