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Audience believe, value, and need  Empty Audience believe, value, and need

Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:29 am
In this assignment i was given the task to read an article and analyze the Audience believe, value, and need. To explain why would the audience like to read these type of article

Article summary
In the article, it shares the story of a mysterious text that was recovered by a possessed nun in the 17th century, was decrypted 341 years later. the text are believed unsolvable since its a mix of different alphabet, due to the weird event many think the text was written by the devil. But luckily enough 15 lines of the text was able to be decrypted by “researcher”. Which they use “complex algorithm from the dark web”, which revealed a hypothesis that the text is about “nature of God's relationship to man and how Satan figures into the equation”. The aritcle claimed that the most unnerving line from the text was  "God thinks he can free mortals. This system works for no one."Although interesting the article wouldn't give the full translation of what they find on the text.

Strength and weakness
Although I could give credit to the article to be a bit entertaining for giving a mysterious and creepy vibe, especially with the website background and theme. The website deliver this by first by its theme and its background, since it sets a creepy feeling before reading the article. Which is good if you want to set up the mood of the reader without effort into the article. Also the article does this with buzzword that also try to make it seem more mysterious like occultist, cryptographer, and darkweb to make it seem that there are a decent following of people investigating it.
Even though the article is interesting and can capture the audience's curiosity. Its strength also reveal a weakness if you try to question more or the ability to go in deeper. When reading this there will be question that will pop up in the audience mind which the article did not provide. Question like who is the team that decipher the text or what does the text look like and what is the full translation. These are some of the questions that pop into my head when reading the article. And it wasn't even answered in the article. But luckily the article does mentions another article that does go in deeper into the details of the story. But it's still the same story that doesnt show the evidence of the research and the validity of the research. Also there is also details say the nun in the story is suffering from a mental health problem, if true then the text was just nonsense from a disturbed person

beliefs, values, and needs
This type of article and topic is usually a niche subject that people that are into weird mystery would try to search up, since you wouldn't find this type of article/website in the front page of news unless you specifically search the news. They also try to capture the attention of the people that wouldn't usually be into the topic, by tying to make the reader question more.
The people that would like to search and read these kind of articles would believe in the supernatural world. Since most of this article is trying to prove that the devil exist, and also the article is trying to give a story that god battle between the devil. Which suppose to be to have a new theory of how God works and the relation to angel and the devil, which is different from the normal religion view of god For why would they need this? Mostly for entertainment since the article is amusing to read, which is probably why people would read this. It gives the idea that there is a supernatural world.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience believe, value, and need  Empty Re: Audience believe, value, and need

Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:22 pm
You've written more than enough and satisfied the prompts. You might give your work a final proof-read or ask a friend to to catch some of the typos, for example no period at the end of the middle section, or god and devil having no capitals.
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