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Posts : 9
Join date : 2019-08-23

Audience: Beliefs, Values, Needs (Ataya Levana) Empty Audience: Beliefs, Values, Needs (Ataya Levana)

Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:27 am
The article discusses about a letter written by a nun who belive were possesd by the devil have been decoded. The Letter was written by Sister Msaria Crocfissa Della Concezione in 1676. She was believed to be possessed after she awoke with a face covered in ink and found with the cryptic letter. After hundreds of years, the letter has allegedly been decoded in Italy, using a computer algorithm obtained from the dark web.

-Strengths or Weakness
This article itself is very appealing for those whose superstitious or believed in any kind of sort, that itself pose a strength in grabbing audiences’ attention. The author also explained the reason on why the nun is believed to be possessed, adding an understanding on the situation. On top of that, the author uses words such as “research project” to justify their credibility, as well as using the word “Computer algorithm”. However, the author does not mention the specific group or who the team are, thus that disqualify their credibility as they are not mention to be a part of any credible organizational group. The algorithm was also said to be taken from the dark web, that itself is pretty questionable on its credibility in actually decoding the letter.

-Belief, values, needs of the audience
As previously mentioned, this article really geared towards those who have initial believed in such stories (of possession stories, devils and such)  as well as those who are superstitious. Having that initial thought itself strengthen the way the audience perceive this stories. It a can also appeals to those who question god, religion and the whole concept, as the ‘alleged’ cryptic letter talks about how god’s “system” is bound to fail as it will not work, thus further feeding the doubt of those people.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: Beliefs, Values, Needs (Ataya Levana) Empty Re: Audience: Beliefs, Values, Needs (Ataya Levana)

Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:33 am
Well organized and decent analysis. To catch some of the grammar problems you might ask a friend to proof-read your writing or try an online grammar checker.
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