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Join date : 2019-08-19

Audience: beliefs, values, needs (Dhira Retno) Empty Audience: beliefs, values, needs (Dhira Retno)

Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:22 pm
Dhira Retno Ayuningtyas
AP English 1
Article: “Inner Earth Glows Like in the Movie Avatar” by Robert Sepher

2. Write a brief summary of the argument; consider thesis, evidence, justifications. ~50 words.

I choose the “Inner Earth Glows Like in the Movie Avatar” by Robert Sepher. The article is about how there is light underneath the earth’s surface. Bellow the surface there is no sunlight or sun exposure of any kind, but it is believed that there are organisms that can glow in the dark called Bioluminescent organisms. “The word for this seemingly magical ability is called “bioluminescence,” which comes from “bio,” meaning life, and “lumin,” meaning light.” as the article said, these organisms have many functions to their ability, such as to attract male or to trick predators.

3. Evaluate the strengths or weaknesses of at least one of the claims in the article. 25 - 50 words.

In the article, it said that these organisms actually exist. The are called the glow worm, the glow is produced by a chemical reaction, the energy from the reaction is turned into light by nearly 100%. Scientists do go to caves to explore the organism further. They have also proofed that the glow they have did not happen by accident. “Conditions that affect the growth of fungi, such as pH, light and temperature, have been found to influence bioluminescence, suggesting a link between metabolic activity and fungal bioluminescence.”, these organisms glow in the dark environment and it is their advantage (attract male or trick predators).

4. Evaluate the beliefs, values, and needs of the likely audience of your article. 100 - 150 words. 

For this article, the author has successfully attracted the audience. The target audience is people who is interested in earth or organisms or even science fiction, and they can be a professor, student, or parent. They argue about living things do exist bellow the earth’s surface. I personally like to read things like this. I only see it the movie “Avatar” but it actually exists and it is unbelievable. When I read this kind of writing, it reminds me of me and my imagination. I believe that the author’s purpose is to tell the world that there is a world bellow the earth’s surface. There are living organisms that actually produce light and the live by themselves, it does not exist only in the fiction world. The reader does not need any background information about the article because everything in the article explains it all. For people who like to read about this kind of stuff, I think that they will be shock and thinks that it is really cool.
Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Audience: beliefs, values, needs (Dhira Retno) Empty Re: Audience: beliefs, values, needs (Dhira Retno)

Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:57 am
Content and formatting look good. You could try asking a friend to proof-read it or an online grammar checker to help a bit with the grammar issues.
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