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Mr. Stockton
Mr. Stockton
Posts : 1156
Join date : 2019-08-01

Synthesizing  Empty Synthesizing

Mon Jan 27, 2020 8:14 am

Synthesizing  Extern13

You are going to draft a short argumentative/persuasive essay based on synthesizing claims and evidence from multiple sources.   The topic is:

Did Atlantis, or some other super advanced ancient civilization exist?

Carefully read Sources A through D (listed below). (i) Compose a thesis statement that addresses the reality of Atlantis or another similar super advanced ancient civilization. (ii) Then, select at least three pieces of evidence from the sources below, or another source you have found, to support your position, and explain how the evidence develops your argument. Upload your work.

Source A Atlantipedia: Cro-Magnon/Atlanteans colonised America
Source B Spirit science:  People with Rh negative blood may be descendents of extraterrestrials or Atlanteans
Source C Red ice creations: DNA evidence for Atlantis
Source D Vox: Map

Source A

O'Connell, Tony. "Cro-Magnon Man." Atlantipedia, 2020, http://atlantipedia.ie/samples/cro-magnon-man/ .

"R. Cedric Leonard is probably the best known modern proponent of the Atlantean Cro-Magnon idea, refers to the work of Oliviera Martins, who in the 1930’s, pointed out that many of the Cro-Magnon people have given themselves distinguishing names with the suffix ’tani’ from the Mauritani of North Africa to the Bretani of Brittany and Britain. Leonard also insists that an analysis of the languages of these groups of people points to a relationship with each other, while being quite different to the other languages of Europe or the Near East. He thinks that it is quite possible that these ancient languages date back to the cultures of the Ice Age. Leonard also refers to what he calls “an anomalous Cro-Magnon/Atlantis outpost” in northern Palestine.

*Alexander Marshack (1918-2004) was an American journalist turned archaeologist, who, in the 1970’s, offered evidence that markings on a number of bones from the Upper Paleolithic were used as lunar calendars to mark the passage of time. Similar markings have been identified on the painted walls of the famous Cro-Magnon Lascaux caves in France.

This combination of date, geographical spread, language and physical similarities offers a reasonable basis for postulating the idea of a coherent civilisation along the European and North African Atlantic seaboards and in the Atlantic itself, at the end of the last Ice Age that could be accommodated by one interpretation of Plato’s Atlantis. Lewis Spence was a supporter of this possibility."

Source B

Starr, Lara. "People With RH Negative Blood May Be Descendents of Extraterrestrials or Atlanteans." Spirit Science, 2016, http://thespiritscience.net/2016/09/05/people-with-rh-negative-blood-may-be-descendents-of-extraterrestrials-or-atlanteans/ .

"The thing is, hardly anyone has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most people familiar with blood factors, assume these people must be a mutation if not descendants from a different ancestor. If Rh negatives are a mutation, what caused the mutation?

Why does it continue with the exact same characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have Rh negative blood and about 60% carry one RH negative gene. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little.

The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percentage of Rh negatives in their population, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative.

The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most African peoples. And as of yet, the origin of the Basques is unknown.

Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly, of one of the ancient ET races. Even Edgar Cayce commented on this, and explained how they came from Atlantis. You can read an interesting article about that HERE.

RH Negatives also tend to have strange characteristics about themselves that are uncommon to most other people in society, such as:

   A feeling of not belonging
   Truth seekers
   Sense of a “Mission” in life
   Empathy & Compassion for Mankind
   An extra rib or vertebra
   Higher than average IQ
   ESP Ability
   Love of Space & Science
   More sensitive vision & other senses.
   Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities
   Lower body temperature
   Higher blood pressure (some say lower)
   Increased sensitivity to heat & sunlight
   Empathetic Illnesses
   Ability to disrupt electrical devices
   Experience strange unexplained phenomenon
   Psychic Dreams
   Prone to Alien Abductions
   Cannot be cloned

Source C

Hart, Will. “DNA Evidence for Atlantis.” Red Ice Creations, 2006, http://redicecreations.com/specialreports/2006/05may/atlantisDNA.html .

"On February 16, 1932 Cayce related some information during a reading that is extraordinarily cogent to this unfolding genetic mystery story. When asked about the position of the continent of Atlantis he replied:

"The position the continent Atlantis occupied, is that as between the Gulf of Mexico
on the one hand - and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost
civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on the one hand, British
Honduras, Yucatan and America upon the other."

Now, we must pick up the trail of clues on the other side of the Atlantic. Let us keep in mind that when Cayce gave this reading DNA had not yet been discovered and there was no such thing as mtDNA analysis. Nevertheless, he mentioned "evidences" in two specific locales, the Pyrenees, a mountain range sandwiched in between France and Spain where the Basques live, and Morocco where another ancient group, the Berbers resides. Astonishingly, these two populations contain the highest frequencies of the X lineage found in Europe and North Africa.

The Basques have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists and historians because, although they are Caucasian they do not fit in with the rest of the European populations. Their language is not related to any other tongue in the world. Prior to the advent of genetic research tools investigators used the ABO blood groups to study the relationships between human populations as well as their migration patterns. The Basques turned out to be unique in terms of blood types as well. As a population they contain the highest levels of Rh- 'O' negative blood in the world and among the lowest type B.

Now, what Cayce was suggesting is that some of the people that fled the sinking continent went west and settled and became the Iroquois. Others went east to the Iberian Peninsula then the Pyrenees (Basques), and the West Coast of North Africa then the Atlas Mountains (Berbers). Turning to the Berbers we find yet another group that contains the highest frequency of haplogroup X in the world. Is it a coincidence that these disparate peoples share a very rare mtDNA lineage?

It is unfortunate that the Berbers have never received much attention from science over the years."

Source D

The following image is taken from an online source.

Edwards, Phil. “How the Imaginary Island of Atlantis Was Mapped.” Vox, 2015, http://vox.com/2015/4/30/8516829/imaginary-island-atlantis-map-kircher .

Synthesizing  Atlant10
"Kircher's 1675 map of the world after the Great Flood. The location of Atlantis is marked in the Atlantic Ocean."
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